AIVL’s 2022–2024 Strategic Plan sets out our work for this period and how we will make progress in achieving our mission to advance the wellbeing, health and human rights of people who use/have used illicit drugs.
Between 2022 and 2024, we will progress our mission by:
- Support and develop solidarity among the AIVL Network.
- Enhance Australia’s national response to drug overdose and support AIVL’s community to contribute to reducing overdose related death and harm.
- Continue in the fight to eliminate blood borne viruses (BBVs) by targeting support for priority populations or people marginalised from mainstream services.
- Challenge stigma and discrimination against people who use drugs.
- Establish a national strategic research program to provide leadership and advice on ethical standards for research involving people with lived-living experience of drug use, and to generate new research evidence to advance AIVL’s policy agenda.
- Increase and diversify the AIVL Network’s revenue streams and overall funding.
Evaluation reports
A thorough external evaluation of AIVL was conducted by Siggins Miller throughout 2020 which reviewed the
effectiveness of AIVL’s work. The full report and attachments can be accessed below: