Interim guidance for the delivery of medication-assisted treatment of opioid dependence in response to COVID-19: A national response

In Advocacy by AIVL

AIVL has member organisations in each state and territory that delivery a range of frontline services to people who use drugs.

AIVL’s current Being Real Project has sought to build capacity among AIVL’s member organisations to effectively engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who use drugs.  The Project also aims to support greater relationship building between Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations and Peer Organisations of People Who Use Drugs.

As part of this process, the Project’s Expert Advisory Group (comprising AIVL representatives and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with specific expertise relevant to the project) recommended the development of an introductory resource to be distributed to organisations in the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Sector, providing an introduction to AIVL and its member organisations in each state and territory.

This introductory resource provides a brief outline of AIVL and its member organisations’ existing programs/engagement opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who use drugs.  The resource is designed to raise awareness of peer-based drug user organisations and their role in providing services/support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who use drugs.  The resource provides a brief introduction, with contact details for member organisations for those services seeking further information.

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Click here to access the 'Introduction to AIVL and its member organisations' resource.